

Forum Rules

We aim to have fairly simple rules that make the joining process quick and painless, they are subject to change at any point should the need arise, however, members will always be notified via announcements when anything changes.

If you notice any spelling errors, please let someone know!



Your first account will be your OOC Account, please register using the name you intend to go by in the Discord, if you change your Discord alias, you must change your display name on the site as well. All characters must be registered using their First Name Only, any other family names can be indicated in their application!

3-2-3 Rating

We are a 16+ rated site, you are allowed to swear and write violent scenes provided you mark a thread accordingly, however due to the rating and nature of the site, graphic depictions of sex are prohibited. Mating threads must fade to black.


Joining our Discord is mandatory, as this is where announcements and application reviews will take place, you're not obligated to chat heavily though, as we encourage people to plot on site as well as in the server.


Activity checks will be conducted every 3 months and will consist of a simple "roll call", all that will be expected is a post from your OOC account letting us know who you are keeping ot dropping.

Zero Tolerance

Austice staff will never tolerate hate speech or bigotry. Period. If you are found or reported to be engaging in abusive behavior or saying hateful things, you will be banned. Genuine ignorance will be handled on a case by case basis, but we will not tolerate treating any group of people like shit.



Austice does not have a set word count requirement, you are encouraged to write as much or as little as you need to give your partner enough to respond to!


A bygone relic of the old school wolf roleplay days, while we don't mind light wolfspeak here on Austice, please do not make your entire post nothing but that, use it as sparingly as possible for those whose first language might not be English.

Post Tense

We're not super picky about tense here, but would prefer you not to use first person, otherwise whatever feels best to you!


Please do not engage in meta-gaming or power playing without the permission of your writing partner, this means your character can't know things they feasibly wouldn't, nor can you control another person's character or assume actions without first getting their permission.

Post Order

We don't intend to heavily enforce a posting order, if you would like to maintain and order for your threat though you are welcome to do so!

Liquid Time

Characters are allowed to be in multiple threads at the same time, we follow fairly close to the real life passage of time in that 1 month irl = 1 month in game, you are expected to keep up with your character's location and age.

Character Creation

We are a Semi-fantasy site with a slightly more realistic leaning, while character's coats must stay within a realistic range of colors, markings do not have to be true to nature. You are permitted to give your character solid shapes and we will allow minor accents of unrealistic colors provided they are implied to be achieved through the use of paints.

General Rules

  • Characters may be 6 months minimum, this is the human equivalent of 16 years of age.
  • Characters may not breed until they are at least a year.
  • Characters may identify with whatever pronouns they wish, yes, this does include neopronouns!
  • If you are registering as a Faoi, please register with the name they earned upon graduation.
  • If you are creating a Clan Wolf, please keep the naming convention of that specific clan in mind, all clans have their own unique naming process!
  • Wolvenkind absolutely do not care about sexuality, make as many gay woofs as your heart desires!

Coats and Eyes

Note: This is not a strict guide, just a general idea of the colors we allow! Markings can be as unrealistic as you like, unnatural colors can be used as minor accents.
wolf coat colors
Note: Pupils cannot be any odd or unnatural shape (IE: slitted, heart shaped, ect.)
wolf eye colors

Wolf Sizes and Builds

  • Dire*| 70in.
  • Large| 59in. - 65in.
  • Medium| 50in. - 58in.
  • Small| 36in. - 48in.
  • Dwarf*| 24 in.
*You do not need to purchase any special items to make the smallest or largest sizes!
- Built like a tank, you are very strong but not very quick.
- You are not especially fast or strong, but you have the best endurance.
- You are very quick on your feet at the cost of physical strength.
- Your endurance suffers but you are especially quick in short bursts.

Allowed Mutations

We're fairly relaxed as far as mutations go, nothing on this list needs to be bought or earned, but you may only use mutations from this list.
  • Small to medium sized Horns
  • Antlers, can shed or remain year-round
  • Extra long tail
  • extra long fur
  • Long canines
  • Split or double tails
  • Webbed paws
  • Altered tongue(split, long, ect.)
  • Hair or Mane
  • Extra eyes
  • Wings(feathered or leather)
  • Any mutation found in nature
This does not mean more options won't be added as we go, if you have a mutation in mind you're interested in, just ask about it!


Accessories should be anything that evokes a medieval fantasy kind of feel, wolves on Austice have evolved to have incredibly dextrous paws, so their ability to craft weapons and make clothes is much more refined. If you're ever unsure of an accessory or clothing item, feel free to ask for clarification!

The time of Man

It began with the end, 1456, at the cusp of the end of the Medieval Era when the plagues came. Sickness swept the land and spread rapidly and aggressively, through the birds, the water, the meat and rats and insects, until all the world's human population was infected and dying.

That was how Earth's history shifted, how the time of man came to and end, and the time of beasts began.

Quiet at first, life continued on as life always has. But there would always come a dominant species, and as the centuries marched on, it would become clear who mankind's successor would be.

The Wolven Age

It has been over 600 centuries since the fall of Mankind's empire, but echoes of their society still litter the landscape in their derelict kingdoms and abandoned cities, though some structures have been repurposed, most human structures only remain as ghostly shells of whatever purpose they served to the humans.

In the absence of humanity, another species rose to fill the niche they left behind. Wolvdom, the name given to land the wolves love in, over the hundreds of years since man's fall, wolves rose up, became more than their base animal instinct, gained concious and empathy.

It is approximately the year 2023 and Earth as we know it is drastically different. The wolves have not evolved beyond an industrial revolution level of technology, though the aesthetic and overall visual of the world is still very clearly Medieval.

The discovery of Mana has led to a boom in magitech technology, essentially, where humanity would have used steam/coal/electricity, Wolvdom powers everything through Mana.

Wolvdom is what was once upon a time Ireland, and much of the wolven culture is visually based on Irish architecture and culture.

A Guide to Skills

While the site doesn't rely too heavily on dice mechanics or numbers, there are still a number of jobs available! You're more than welcome to use the site's built in dice to add some chance to threads involving a character's Skill, but you are by no means required to use that function.

NOTE: You are not limited to ONLY skills found on these lists, if you have one in mind not listen just run it by an admin!

Trade Skills

  • Blacksmith - Crafts weapons, tools, fittings, and other metal goods.
  • Clothier - Creates clothing from woven materials, does repairs and adjustments.
  • Leather Worker - Crafts leather armor, bags, belts and straps.
  • Farmer - Raises crops and manages livestock.
  • Stonemason - Builds houses, castles, and other stone structures.
  • Carpenter - Crafts wooden utensils, furniture, instruments, and other wooden effects.
  • Fisher - Specializes in net fishing and line fishing.
  • Miller - Grinds flour and corn for cooking and consumption.
  • Baker - Provides fresh baked goods and pastries.

Artisan Skills

  • Painter - Often works on commission by the noble classes to paint portraits or murals.
  • Sculptor - Uses clay, marble, or stone to sculpt extravagant pieces.
  • Thespian - Puts on plays, operas, or dramatic performances for an audience.
  • Bard - Tells stories and legends through song, often found in taverns and inns.
  • Jester - Clownish entertainers who's job it is to make wolves laugh.

Specialty Skills

  • Alchemist - Uses science and magic to change the properties of one thing into another.
  • Enchanter - Enchants weapons and objects with magic properties and effects.
  • Mercinary - Takes coin in exchange for dealing with bandits or otherwise problematic individuals.
  • Assassin - Quiet killers, for when a death needs to be committed without a trace.
  • Thief - Masters of silent movement who pickpocket and rob to make their money.

A Guide to Magic

Magic is a fairly freeform system here on Austice, your character may use whatever magic you like provided it fits into one of the following branches. Staff may step in if your character's magic becomes too OP or unfair to other players, but other than that you're free to describe their unique magic in whatever way you like.

Magic may not be used on another player's character without the player's permission, in-universe it is seen as a severe crime to use magic against an unwilling target, ooc it is forbidden without consent.

Dice are not required, but you have the option to roll for a spell's potency or effect if you would like to, have fun with it!

Mind School

Magic that effects the mind, telepathy, dream walking, memory manipulation, or any other type of magic that effects the mind of the user or target will fall into this school. Mind mages tend to have a unique outlook on the world around them, they may seem off-putting or strange, but seem to have the best grasp of logic and reason.

Elemental School

Masters of the elements, wolves that choose this school of magic are often extremely in tune with the natural world around them. Elemental wolves can be the best healers as well as the most devastating combatants, magic in this school will call upon some kind of element, such as air, water, fire, thunder, or ice, it is as vast a school as the natural world around them.

Illusion School

Wolves who choose this school develop the ability to confuse and misdirect through convincing visual or auditory illusions. Often working as street performers or entertainers, Illussion school wolves delight in confusing those around them. Illussion magic often won't effect those from the Mind school, due to their acute mental strength.

Conjuration School

This school of magic leans heavily into defense rather than offense, wolves in the conjuration school can summon up wards to protect them, spectral companions to fight for them, or elemental weapons to fight with. They typically avoid close combat, but do not mistake them for pacifists or cowards, Conjuration wolves are just as dangerous in a fight.

Wild School

The Wild school is a catch all for any magic that doesn't quite fit into any of the othe branches, Wild mages often are only bound by intent in what they can do. All wolves are technically considered a part of the Wild school, as most wolves have developed an innate sort of 'everyday magic', but some wollves choose to enhance and train their innate wild magic, so it is often considered its own school.

A Guide to Clan Life

Though not all of Wolvkind live in a clan, the clans are the protectors and rulers of their specific holds. Each clan has developed their own unique sense of identiy and culture, though they all follow the same general principles and laws. This page of our guide will teach you about the basics of clan life and how they operate, the following section will go into further detail about the clans as individual entities.

Clan Ranks

The leader of the clan, every leader adopts 'lach at the end of their name. EX. Cedar'lach
Second in command to the leader, they are often tasked with delegating the day's tasks amongst the clan.
The healers and spiritual guides of the clan, they interpret signs from the world around them and have an acute grasp on herboligy and alchemy.
Messengers who deliver coorespondences between the chieftains of other clans.
Storytellers who have a vast knowledge of Wolvdom legends and historical recountings. Often elders no longer able to easily leave the clan hold.
Members of the clan who don't hold a specialized rank, these wolves will carry out most of the day to day labor such as hunting and crafting armor or weapons. Laochra will train the young for their future chosen jobs.
Young clan members who have just reached 6 months and have earned their name, Faoi(apprentices) will train with their mentors until they feel they are ready to graduate to full clan members.

Clan Law

  1. 1. - Your clanmates are your family, always defend them with your life.
  2. 2. - Elders and pups must always be fed before Laochra and Faoi.
  3. 3. - The strong must always seek to protect the weak, even if they are not from your clan.
  4. 4. - A pup will earn their name at 6 moons old.
  5. 5. - Upon the death of the leader, their appointed Tanist will take their place.
  6. 6. - The Chieftain's word is Clan Law.
  7. 7. - To kill a clanmate without cause is to betray your family.
  8. 8. - Unless there is no other option, no would should kill another in cold blood.
  9. 9. - Take only what you need to survive.
Inspired by The Warrior Code

Wolvdom Map

Clan Móinéir


The moorlands of Wolvdom are a sight to behold, and none know this better than Clan Móinéir, the kings of the high hills. Their clan values intellect and wit over brute strength, and this is evident in their lithe forms. Where some have their hold capitols situated in the ancient remains of human dens, the moorland clan chooses to live and sleep under the stars in a quarry left behind in the time of man.

Clan Móinéir are thinkers, poets, often seen as dreamy and vapid with their heads in the clouds. But make no mistake, Clan Móinéir wolves are as keen as they come, and they are the best teachers of the Chaos School, born especially in tuned with their innate wild magic.


  • Naming- When pups reach 6 months they will be given a name chosen by their closest clanmates that describes their strongest character trait. Names like Amity, Joy, Charity, Bold, Friendly, etc. this is thought to remind them of their strength in times of weakness. If a wolf experiences a shift that changes them drastically, they may by choice choose a new name.

  • The Flower Run- A race that takes place at the first signs of spring, when the moorland blossoms begin to bloom again, it's a three day journey from the camp to the far side of the territory and back again, it's thought that the winner is granted good luck for the rest of the year.

  • Run Rabbit- A game often played by pups still small enough to fit in the abandoned dens that litter the moors, it is essentially hide and seek in the expansive tunnels of rabbits using sound.

  • The Long Night- Held on the longest night of the year, the clan gathers in a wild and raucous party that lasts until the morning, with ample food and drink, they celebrate their family and consider it a reset. It is considered the time to let go of grievances and spar to settle grudges.


Clan Sliabh


The Razorbacks are an imposing range of mountains that break the landscape like a great beast rising from the earth, and the wardens of those mountains are the giants of Clan Sliabh. The wolves of the mountain hold are some of the largest in all of Wolvdom, and they stand guard over their mountain ranges with ferocious tempers and unmatched bravery.

Make no mistake though, beneath the mountainous fur and angry tempers, the mountain wovlves are intensley loyal to each other, many of their practices involve bonding rituals, and their pups are often raised communally by everyone in the pack. Their hulking forms often range from Large to Dire size, with long fur and especially large teeth. Some wolves have mistaken them for snow bears while treading the mountain paths.


  • Naming- When pups reach 6 months they are instructed to make a perilous climb to a specific cave high into the mountain ranges, upon reaching the cave, the pup will select the first stone that calls to them. This stone will become their name. Igneous, Diamond, Silt, Boulder, Quartz are all examples of exceptable Sliabh names.

  • The Bear Hunt- There is no beast so fearsome or terrifying than the mountain bears of the Razorbacks, Clan Sliabh Laochra will hold a yearly hunt at the height of bear activity, mothers with cubs or the sick and elderly are considered off-limits, male bears are the preferred prey. The hunt is said to strengthen the bonds of clanmates as it takes nearly all the Laochra to take down such a mighty foe.

  • Hot Springs- Unknown to most Wolvdom, the Razorbacks have a hidden underground system of hot springs that are a popular social gathering place for Sliabh wolves. The waters are said to hold healing properties, and elders claim to be greatly revitalized by a dip in the hot pools.

  • The Mourning- Life in the Razorbacks is harsh and unforgiving, and losing a clanmate is an unfortunate commonallity for the wolves of Clan Sliabh, so on nights when the aurora borealis is at its most vibrant, the clan will raise their voices in a single chorus for those that have been lost. The night is then spent telling fond stories of those who have passed.


Clan Portach


The marshlands are an expansive maze of heavy tree cover and peaty wetland, the region sees a heavy amount of rain throughout the spring and summer, and it always seems balmy and humid. The wolves of Clan Portach are all on the small size and often colored in loamy browns and dark colors. It is not uncommon to see them don flowers and moss coverage on their fur, which has over the years developed a resistance to the moisture of the region.

The wolves of the marshlands tend to be secretive mystics who follow practices similar to human wiccan rituals. They're not unfriendly to outsiders, but tend to hold them at a distance and regard most with suspicion. Some woves believe the members of Clan Portach to be moon-mad, and they're content to leave that claim unconfirmed.


  • Naming- Portach wolves take their names from animals, such as Deer, Buck, Frog, Rabbit, when a pup is 6 months and ready to earn their name, they are sent out on a hunt, the name they take will come from the first animal they take down completely alone.

  • Frog Catching- Due to an abundance of frogs throughout the wetlands, Portach pups and Faoi often make a competetive game of catching as many frogs as they can, often digging a deep muddy hole to keep them in until the game ends. It's common for older clan members to trip on the unfilled holes left over from this game.

  • The Renewing- The solstice is one of the most important days for the Portach wolves, thought to be the time when their spells are the most potent. This day tends to be spent doing personal rituals and coming together as a group to manifest prosperity until the next solstice.

  • The Swamp Games- A measure of speed and wit held in the summertime every year, Laochra and Faoi will compete in a random assortment of games that test both their agility and wit, the winner of the games is the wolf who performed the best, and they are given the honor of coming up with the games that will happen next year.


Clan Aigéan


In the northern region of Wolvdome are the rocky coasts of Clan Aigéan, dotted by the dwellings of the fisherwolves who make up a majority of the clan's population. Built of average size, the power lies in the strong legs and webbed toes of the Aigéan wolves, and none are as skillful in the water as they are.

To some, Aigéan wolves are a lazy and lackadaisical sort, but make no mistake they are anything but. Aigéan woves simply divide the work so effeciently that they are granted much more time for games and liesure. They are known to be rowdy and loud, and are the most loose when it comes to heiarchy and law-abiding.


  • Naming- Clan Aigéan wolves tend to have the most varied names of any clan, so there is really no specific scheme involved. Instead of some great feat or accomplishment, Aigéan wolves are sent into a specific cave when they reach 6 months and instructed to consume a small amount of a hallucinogenic species of mushroom. The experience is said to bring a wolf's true name to them, and they will emerge with their chosen name to announce it to the rest of the clan.

  • Shell Games- Similar to how the game is played in the real world, one wolf will close their eyes while the other places a pebble under one of the collected shells. Often played for food or materials, or shiny trinkets if you're a pup.

  • The Tourney- Held in the summer months when the fish are plentiful in the surrounding oceans, the Tourney is a massive fishing contest where all of the clan's best anglers compete to catch the largest fish they can. The winner has a feast held in their honor with all the fish caught that day.

  • Sailing Contest- Only wolves of Clan Aigéan know the proper techniques to build boats, and each year in the spring they hold a contest to show off both their sailing skills as well as their boat building skills. Wolves are measured by the grace and speed of their vessels, as well as the overall construction.
